Tips and sport fishing techniques in Bubaque, Guinea Bissau

Kasa Afrikana's special sliders for bottom fishing

Tips, advise and fishing techniques for sport fishing in Bijagos islands, Guinea Bissau Kasa Afrikana's special sliders for bottom fishing
Very cheap and proven efficiency. This fishing slider allows you to change the sinker's weight depending on the strength of the tidal stream and lets complete freedom for the fish to take the hook without feeling any resistance. Design : a pacifier tube, two pieces of rubber hose to shock, a clip of your choice, two plastic beads allowing the passage of the tube pacifier and sticked with a drop of cyanoacrylate to prevent them from moving and to tighten the clip so that it will not cut the tube when you will castfish with strength. Time to assembly !
Casting without hurting your shoulder | Sinkers | Hooks and fishing line bottom | Cleaning lures and hooks | Jigging | Hook sharpening | Slabbing |
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