Formalities for your stay in Guinea Bissau |
The currency is the « franc CFA », € 1 = 655.96 CFA francs. It is recommended to bring euro cash or CFA francs for your expenses, it is not yet possible to pay with a credit card in Guinea Bissau and the fees to cash checks in are very high. You will be required passport that should be valid for the 6 months following the date of return, the visa is compulsory, you can get it on arrival at the airport, or at the Guinea Bissau Embassy in paris (94 rue Saint Lazare, tel: 01 45 26 18 51) or through one of the numerous agencies sorting out such operations Ex: www.action-visas.com . |
Health in the archipelago and in Guinea Bissau |
The vaccination against yellow fever is mandatory and a malaria prophylaxis is strongly recommended. There are few mosquitoes in Kasa Afrikana as the hotel is built against the prevailing winds but it is advisable to take a repellent spray to apply on the feet and ankles at nightfall, these charming creatures like hiding under the tables or chairs. All our rooms are fully insect-proof. The discomforts noticed on our visiters are mostly mild stomach trouble due to intake of too cool drinks comparing to the heat or headaches after prolonged exposure to sunlight. So bring an anti-diarrheal and an analgesic such as aspirin or paracetamol as well as a disinfectant spray for wounds caused by fish bites or hook stings. |
Bubaque climate in the archipelago of Bijagos |
It is a tropical climate and the average temperatures are between 28 °C and 32 °C. There are only 2 seasons, the dry season from October to June and the rainy season from mid June to late September. There is a two-hour jetlag in winter and a three-hour jetlag in summer compared with the UK. Provide light cotton-made clothing, a hat is compulsory, sunglasses (polarized if possible), light sandals and a good pair of sturdy walking shoes for those who like to walk and go fishing on foot from the rocks surrounding the islands. |
Communications from the hotel in the Bijagos |
There are now 3 mobile phone networks in the archipelago and you can bring your cell phones to communicate cheaply and easily. You will just have to ask our bartender, Lino, to switch the chip in your device with one of a local network (10 €). You will have access to information about your country and thanks to our satellite dish you can follow the important games or live news. We also have a private internet network so you can keep in touch with your family or your occupation. |
Transport to the hotel in Guinea Bissau |
Companies serving Guinea Bissau are Air Portugal (TAP), Air Cape Verde (TACV) and the new Air Teranga which should replace Air Senegal International. One of our specialties is to organize very comfortable bivouacs in the remote islands of the archipelago and we will be delighted to plan for you one or two cozy nights on a desert island's beach where you could easily practise castfishing or surfcasting. We particularly care for your stay to be a success and for it to fulfill your dream. |